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Contact Us

Olmos and Reynolds Law Group

315 W. 9th St. Ste. 801
Los Angeles, CA 90015

Phone: (213) 282-9711

Fax: 323.951.0138

Susanne Cipolla Olmos

Keli Reynolds

Speak with our Attorneys

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"I wanted to say once again thank you. For just giving my a shot and helping me out. You have forever changed my life and I am eternally grateful."

— A. R., Mexico

Client arrived in the United States at age 2, graduated from high school with honors and earned both an Associate’s Degree and Certificate in Culinary Arts but still could not work due to undocumented status. Granted Deferred Action Status in 2014 following successful post-conviction relief eliminating client's prior misdemeanor driving under the influence.

"I just wanted to thank you for ALL the hard work and dedication you put into my case. Just wanted you to know that I really appreciate everything you’ve done."

— C.L., Mexico

Client has been a lawful permanent resident since age 2 and is now able to apply for a discretionary waiver of criminal grounds of deportation after we modified client's conviction to a non-aggravated felony.

"I appreciate everything you did for me!"

— H.R., Peru

Client now qualifies for citizenship and is no longer deportable after we eliminated an aggravated felony conviction in a post-conviction motion.